Senator Lindsey Graham Still Trying to Fight Online Gambling

Summary: Senator Lindsey Graham is set to continue his fight to see online gambling come to an end in the United States.

Since 2013, when online gambling came to fruition in the United States, there have been lawmakers as well as gambling operators who have not been a fan of the activity. Despite New Jersey, Delaware and Nevada seeing success and other states showing interest, effort still emerged in trying to put an end to online gambling. Senator Lindsey Graham is one lawmaker who continues to be against the activity and he plans to use an upcoming hearing in the federal government to push his agenda.

AG Confirmation Hearing

Online Gambling BanThe federal government will be hosting a confirmation hearing for the next attorney general of the United States, which is exactly where Graham plans on trying to rally against online gambling. According to Gambling Compliance, Graham plans on asking the AG nominee, Bill Barr, his stance on online casino, poker and lottery games.

During the hearing, lawmakers get a chance to ask questions of Barr as they decide if he is fit for the position. Graham apparently told sources that he has plans to ask for an updated stance on the 1961 Wire Act, an act that was changed in 2011 to allow states to legalize online poker and casino gaming if they so choose.

Hung Up on Anti-Gambling Stance

Since 2013, Graham has remained hung up on his anti-gambling stance. Over the years, Graham has used such hearings to discuss online gambling and how he is opposed. He even did the same with Loretta Lynch during her confirmation hearing three years ago. Graham got nowhere with Lynch so he tried with Jeff Sessions when he was nominated by Donald Trump in 2017.

Now that another Attorney General is in the works, he plans on continuing his push to see online gambling come to an end. However, his efforts will most likely be fruitless. There are too many proponents of gambling in the states and he does not seem to have the support needed to push for an anti-gambling federal bill.

Moving Forward

Currently, New Jersey, Nevada and Delaware are the only states that offer online casino and/or poker gaming. Pennsylvania should get started early next year. Several states offer online lottery gaming and online sports betting are starting to get into the mix. With so many states offering some type of online gaming, it will be difficult for any type of anti-gambling legislation to pass.

In the states were gambling is offered, hundreds of millions have been earned. This money is being used to fund programs and other efforts, money that would be sorely missed if the industry was taken away. As more states become involved in sports betting, the big boom in gaming this year, we should see not only additional land-based services but online as well.

It seems Senator Graham needs to come to grips with the fact that online gambling is taking place, legally and illegally. States might as well continue to have the ability to pass legislation and offer online casino, poker and/or sports betting, lottery gaming, etc. if they so choose.

It will be interesting to see what happens as Graham starts questioning the Attorney General nominee. Will Barr agree or will he be willing to let the current climate stay as it is?

Posted in: iGaming Regulatory & Industry