Online Poker and Sports Betting a No-Go in 2018 for NY

New York

New YorkLegislation involving online poker and sports betting in New York State has failed to progress this year.

Every year, lawmakers have only a certain time frame to pass legislation into law. Because most lawmakers are of varying parties and cannot seem to agree on anything in the US, it is hard for legislation to move forward. When it comes to online gaming bills, sports betting, lottery and other gambling legislation, it is even more difficult to see laws passed as lawmakers have different agendas. In New York, online poker and sports betting were up for consideration, but unfortunately, both have died for the 2018 session.

No Movement

The 2018 legislative session in New York has come to an end, with online poker and sports betting failing to move forward. Yesterday, efforts came to an end as the legislative session was over by 11pm. Online poker legislation and sports betting legislation failed to pass.

The main focus of this year was sports betting, as the United States Supreme Court was set to rule on a case involving New Jersey and sports betting for the nation as a whole. SCOTUS ruled in favor of the state, which allowed sports betting to be legalized across the board. Lawmakers in several states, including New York, were focused on sports betting regulations and legislation to prepare for the possibility that sports betting would be allowed in the US, which it now is.

Unfortunately, the focus on this activity did not prove to be fruitful in New York as lawmakers were unable to come to a consensus on the matter. Online poker consideration was back on the table just a few weeks ago, but efforts on the subject also failed to gain any ground.

Looking Ahead

So, will New York be able to get on the sports betting and online gaming bandwagon by 2019? It’s really up in the air. If the state wants to remain competitive with their neighbors when it comes to gambling, they are going to have to make a few changes. New Jersey and Delaware have already began offering sports betting services while West Virginia and Pennsylvania have passed legislation and are about to begin.

Of course, New Jersey and Delaware already offer online poker gaming, and Pennsylvania should be offering the option in the future. To stay competitive, New York will eventually need to get in on the action. Sports betting is also on the minds of lawmakers in Connecticut and Massachusetts, which would create even more competition for New York if they ever get started.

For now, New York legislature now has several months to craft legislation that will have better potential to be passed into law. It will also give time for lawmakers to see how other states offer services, what works and what doesn’t. it is unclear though as to if the state will be considering poker again for online gaming services or if the focus will be solely on sports betting.

In the past, the New York Assembly has wavered their stance on online poker, going from being for to against. When it comes to sports betting, an issue of integrity fee remains. Some lawmakers feel the leagues deserve to be paid while others do not. Solving this issue will be key to sports betting legislation moving forward in the future.

Posted in: iGaming Regulatory & Industry